What Is a Keyword Tracking Tool? A Must SEO Tool for Every Digital Marketer

What Is a Keyword Tracking Tool? Google ScreenshotIt is widely acknowledged that keywords are central to a winning SEO strategy. If you were to ask a successful digital marketer, „what is a keyword tracking tool?” the obvious answer would be that it is a must-have tool in the armory of a digital marketer to devising a winning SEO strategy.

In a world that is increasingly becoming digital with every passing day, digital marketing is the battleground on which marketing and brand wars are being fought.

What Is a Keyword?

In the light of marketing and brand battles, the significance of a keyword becomes paramount to victory and staying a vector. It is therefore important for everyone involved in the fight to understand what a keyword and what a keyword tracking tool are?

A keyword can be defined as a particular word that defines a concept, an idea, or a product, or even a service. For example, a fully automatic washing machine, a grocery store, 4GB android smartphone are keywords as they describe a product or business.

A careful examination would reveal that a keyword is not just one word but a few words that reveal more than just a product. In fact, when these words are used on search engines, they reflect a wish, a desire, a question, which are now popularly known as ‘buyer intends.’

So, keywords represent the intents of the people browsing the search engines for information to buy or consume or use a product or service. This intent or the keywords makes them extremely important for marketers as they act as guiding posts leading them to customers’ hearts and minds. Marketers use these keywords to attract prospective buyers to their website and sell their products and services.

Keywords and search engines assume such paramount importance to marketers because close to 5 billion people use smartphones. There are 4.6 Billion active internet users, and of these, 4.3 billion are active mobile internet users. The rest are using desktop and other means to access internet.

Keyword Tracking Tools Provide Intelligence Data

Many ask: what is a Keyword Tracking tool for an intelligent digital marketer? In a few words, it is simply a key to intelligence. Data is vital in the information age. Without data, it is hard to make progress as data fuels key decisions. The keyword tracking tool reveals which keywords are producing the best results.

Keyword tracking tools also provide information related to geographic locations in which a particular keyword is eliciting good or poor responses. Keyword tracking tools also give information on the demographics of the target audience. Acting in this intelligence, digital marketers build road maps to cut away and move ahead of the competition.

The valuable data that a keyword tracking tool generates helps identify the aces that are firing for your business and driving it forward. Knowing this, you need to retain those high result-yielding keywords and re-use them, while you can do away with the laggards that are blunting the sharpened teeth of your marketing campaign. Enhance the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaign with a keyword tracking tool!

Rev up Your Revenue Engine With a Keyword Tracking Tool

Keyword tracking tools can truly rev up your revenue engine, making it more efficient and productive. As we understand that a keyword tracking tool gives us market acuity in terms of the keywords and the pages with high CTR rates bringing in more revenue than others.

Smart digital marketers will tune up the less effective keywords and pages in making them more effective, generating higher CTRs. A keyword tracking tool does help rev up the revenue engine and shoot up profits higher up.

What Is a Keyword Tracking Tool? An Instrument for a Leg up on the Competition

An intelligent digital marketer would give anything to know what their competition is up to. Well, with a keyword tracking tool, you do have a 007 right up your sleeves. With a few clicks on your keyword marketing tool, it gathers information on your competition and lays before you.

You had no clue as to why your competition always had a leg up on you? It is because they were using a keyword tracking tool to keep a tab on your activities. Such a valuable tool gives you indispensable information on the keywords your competitors are deploying and their performance for those particular keywords.

In fact, you get to know so much more. Using the vital information of your competition, you can build a strategy to put your leg up on the competition.

Keywords Tracking Tools Also Give Insight Into Customer Preferences

A keyword research tool can be vital in the hands of a smart digital marketer. While tracking the competitions and the keywords, the marketer can also learn about customer preferences. Intimate knowledge of customer preferences and their relation to keywords can help them unlock the competition riddle.

Customer knowledge has proven to be a decider in marketing battles. Keyword tracking tools can prove to be the difference between a 1st ranker and a 2nd ranker. In business terms, the difference can mean 100,000 or a million dollars.

Keyword Tracking Tools Fuel Content and Social Media

Keyword research tools drive your content team to create and curate cutting-edge content. Quality content can make a key difference. Not only the content gets your ranking up, as the search engines prefer quality content, but consumers find quality content to be shared with friends and family on social media. In all, a keyword research tool fuels content marketing and social media.

Looking at what a keyword research tool is from a digital marketing point of view, it is easy to understand that it drives two of the most powerful aspects of digital marketing: content and social media.

Free and Paid tools

It is virtually impossible for a digital marketer to resist without a keyword tracking tool. A plethora of both free and paid keyword tracking tools are now available to digital marketers. Go pick any of them depending upon your needs and budget.

Here you can find some paid and free keyword tracking tools used by most successful marketers.

Free Keyword Tracking Tools

The best aspect of a free keyword tool is that one can start with a digital marketing campaign with no investment at all. To some extent, they even can compete with the paid ones.

1. Google Keyword Planner is Google’s tool.

The main purpose of the Google Keyword Planner is for Keyword research. Digital marketers use this tool for search engine optimization. The tool provides insight related to keywords and the intelligence so gained directly from Google is used for search engine optimization and digital marketing.

Today it is being leveraged for keyword targeting, keyword research, forecasting, digital marketing campaign performance, and AdSense monetization.

2. Ubersuggest



Ubersuggest is a tool provided by the renowned digital marketing consultant Neil Patel. Ubersuggest is a free application tool for keyword research and tracking designed for keyword research and tracking.

This tool gives you a lot of key data and information regarding your website’s performance. Need to monitor organic traffic and potential for organic growth, click Ubersuggest.

3. Keyworddit

This keyword tracking tool is related to Reddit, hence the name Keyworddit. We all know how rich is the Reddit community. Keyworddit fishes out keyword-related recommendations, suggestions, and data from Reddit.

4. Soovle

Soovle is another Keyword tracking tool suited for search engines including Bing, Google, Amazon, Yahoo, and others. It is a simple and straightforward tool easy to use to get keyword insight and intelligence.

5. Questiondb

Another interesting example of a keyword tracking tool is Questiondb. This interesting tool gives insight related to questions people type into search engines. The questions people can ask are the intents of buyers and prospective customers. Such information is valuable.

6. WordStream

WordStream is a free tool. WordStream fetches the keyword-related data using the Google keyword research API, as it is supported by Google. The WordStream Keyword Discovery tool specifically gives you keyword-related data, as there are other tools as well for other aspects of SEO.

7. Google Trends

It is a free tool to check on the popularity of top searches or keywords. The information data is provided as graphs which makes the insight easier to interpret, and inference can be drawn quickly and correctly.

With Google Trends, you get the geographic advantage, as well. You can check out the popularity of the searches for different geographic locations. So, if you know the geographies of your market, Google Trends can prove to be decisive.

Paid Keyword Tracking Tools

Given below is a list of paid keyword tracking tools. These tools have different payment options, and each one offers a different type of insight into keyword research, tracking and performance. Since these tools are paid, the reports generated are easy to comprehend.

1. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a valuable keyword tracker. It is available in both free and paid versions. With the free version, you can use it for up to 500 websites. It is described as a website crawler. It is being used by Amazon and Apple, two of the biggest websites.

2. SEMrush

SEMrush is one the most reliable and trusted tracker tool used by digital marketers, consultants, and gurus. In fact, SEMrush is a full-scale SEO toolkit to monitor, plan and execute a digital SEO strategy.

3. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a splendid option of a keyword tracker tool. It comes with a plugin convenience. Input the keywords into the tracking tool and get search engine rankings information at the click of a mouse.

4. MOZpro

MOZPro is offered by MOZ, which is a leading SEO Services company. The keyword tracking tool works best for Google, Yahoo, and Bing, the three main Search Engines. Along with keyword tracking, it also offers many other tracking and monitoring services under a package titled Moz Pro Package.

5. DYNO Mapper

DYNO Mapper has come to establish itself as a reliable option as a keyword tracking tool. You can integrate DYNO Mapper with your website Google Analytics to draw a reliable analytical report on the performance of your keywords and pages.

6. WooRank

Having features more than just keyword tracking, it is a digital marketing solution. WooRank not only tracks keywords you want to monitor but also throws up its own recommendation for matching keywords that fits your needs. You can review the complete website as well.

7. MonsterInsight

In the world of WordPress, a Keyword tracking plugin is just what the doctor ordered. MonsterInsights is a Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. As with all plugins, it is much easier to integrate it to a WordPress website and get the keyword intelligence, firsthand.

Keyword reports are made available within the WordPress admin. Besides this, it also provides valuable information, including clicks, impressions, click-through rate (CTR).

Wisdom of Using a Keyword Tracking Tool

This article titled ‘What is a keyword tracking tool? A must-have tool for every digital marketer’ lays the due emphasis on the importance of keywords in digital marketing. While we also discovered that keywords could be more than one word. All kinds of keywords, including long-tail keywords, denote the intents of Internet users searching for information to make their lives easier. These keywords are clues to people’s needs, choices, and preferences.

These smart and highly evolved keyword tracking tools provide vital keyword-related insights and information. These insights help digital marketers fine-tune their web pages, optimize CTRs and eventually improve marketing campaigns to maximize their returns on investments.

Organic traffic is a vital sign of a well-laid SEO and digital marketing strategy. One of the ingenious ways to boost organic traffic is the clever usage of keyword tracking tools. What is a keyword tracking tool worth if it can’t make your SEO plans better, efficient, and effective.

In the digital world, where business is increasingly being done on the internet through smart devices, digital marketers should learn to harness every keyword-related insight gained either through free or paid keyword tracking tools to devise successful marketing strategies.

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